Best Trail Camera – Our 5 Top Trail Cameras for 2020

Whether you’re scouting for spring turkey hunting or watching your food plot during the summer, finding the best trail camera is critical to determining your hunting strategy. Of course, different trail cameras have different advantages and disadvantages.

One of the main things that affects which trail camera you should buy is price. For most, going out and dropping half a paycheck on this years latest and greatest trail camera just isn’t viable. With that in mind, we wrote this article for a few different types of hunters.

Photo by Greg Tosh and

The first part of our guide covers the 5 best trail cameras money can buy, period. These are the latest and greatest in scouting cameras for good reason. Second, we jump into budget cameras for the everyday hunter, somebody who has a chance to do some scouting right before deer season and isn’t as concerned if a camera is stolen or broken. Third, we talk about the best all around trail cam for deer hunting. Last, we cover turkey hunting trail cameras and accessories.

The 5 Best Trail Cameras Money Can Buy

The Best Trail Cameras Under $100

Our Top Whitetail Deer Hunting Camera

Best Trail Camera for Turkey Hunting?

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