At we know how important a good education is. We wouldn’t be able to write such in depth reviews of the best rangefinders if we didn’t have a proper education. That’s why we want to give one winner $1,000 toward the cost of their education.

[su_heading size=”24″]Terms of Participation[/su_heading]

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[su_heading size=”24″]How Can You Participate?[/su_heading]

We would like you to write a short essay of about 500 – 1000 words.
You can choose one of the two topics below:

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[su_note note_color=”#f1efe9″]Note: Make sure that the views expressed in this essay are original and your own. They should not be plagiarized from any other source. If you could attach a relevant picture, that would be an added plus.[/su_note]

After you have completed the article, please send it to Email: Deadline for essay submission is December 20th of each year.
When submitting your essay, please include the following details:

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[su_heading size=”24″]Announcement of the Winner[/su_heading]

After processing all the applications we receive within the deadline stated above, we will choose the most eligible candidate as the winner by December 20th. Once the winner is finalized, a $1,000 check will be sent to his or her college by January 2nd.

If you miss out on the application deadline, don’t worry. This is an annual scholarship and we award it each year. So if you miss it this year, you can always apply the next time.

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[su_button url=”” background=”#8e7a42″ size=”10″ wide=”yes” center=”yes” radius=”0″ rel=”nofollow”]Apply Now![/su_button]